
Update (Feb 17 2009)

What can I say about this website? It's been a long time since I last updated. Five years, in fact. I used to put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into this website. But guess what? Much like my character neglecting his girlfriend for his job, I neglected this site - and my writing - for my cubicle job. I was never good at multi-tasking. Those of you who know me well are well aware of my excellent memory, but that memory is of off-the-wall things. Yes, I'll remember names and faces, but when it comes to simple things, I tend to forget, sometimes by choice.

I was a different person when I started this website ten years ago. And I was even more different five years ago, when I stopped updating. I was bad at relationships, bad at money - name it, I was bad at it. But that's all in the past. This is a new beginning, and a new chapter in my life. When I started this novel almost twelve years ago, it was a completely different animal. It was juvenile and dreamy and just plain terrible. Now it is in the hands of a capable, mature writer. The 30-yr-old Brian Cagayat. The 25-yr-old Brian Cagayat can continue on his downward spiral into debt, drinking, and debauchery - that kid is the past now, stuck in his own era.

Welcome to my website. I'm happy to have you. Kick off your shoes and poke around. Some good stories. A novel excerpt or two. But don't stay too long - there's a big world out there.


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